2 simple shifts that will double (or triple) your sells in 2023
It was late 2019.
I’d invested over $20k and countless hours into a “great” idea I had.
We were stuck w/ hours of content & wasn’t making any money in return — not a single penny.
So what did I do?
💡I turned to “the gurus.”
🤦🏾♂️Terrible idea.
Things went from BAD to WORSE.
Let me explain…
You see, I followed their suggestions to the letter.
• $ thousands on ads
• Social media posts
• Short videos (before shorts were cool)
• Product trailers
None of these worked!
Neither did keeping my long-form content behind a paywall.
SO, here’s what happened…
I did the complete opposite.
And so should you.
Here’s what I mean:
💡More than likely your BEST marketing material is trapped behind a paywall as a product or service — and if you’d give it away freely, you’d be able to double and even triple your sales — seriously!

⚡Shift 1: Give your BEST stuff away for free
Have a great video course for sell — that’s not selling?
Put it out for free in exchange for email addresses and watch how many new leads come flooding in.
Have a digital product?
Give access to it for free for 90 days.
Not 7 days.
Not 14 days.
Not 30 days.
90 days.
After 90 days of using your product (if it truly solves their problem), your product will be a part of their daily life — They won’t know how to live without it — now you have a lifetime customer.
Sell a physical product?
Give it (or a smaller version of it) away for free. The customer just has to pay for the shipping and watch how you’ll gain customers for life.
I’ve seen this work time and time again for businesses in every industry.
I’ve seen drama tv series give away the entire season for free but charge $19.99 for the final episode — their sales skyrocketed.
I’ve seen apparel companies make fortunes by giving away shirts and hats for free as long as customers pay for shipping (and put add a little profit onto the shipping costs).
I myself have paid hundreds for the “Up-to-date” version of a course after taking a free version of the “out-of-date” version.
Even for me, moving my valuable stuff from behind the paywall worked like charm!
I took one of my long-form videos that was previously stashed behind a paywall and put it out on YouTube for free.
It worked like magic!
It did much better than any of my previous marketing efforts.
So we 2x down on long-form.
This meant we could upload less often & still get better results.
And soon it paid off BIG TIME👇🏾
⚡Shift 2: Give platform algorithms what they want
See, I wanted to monetize our YouTube Channel
The requirements then were:
• 2k Subs &
• 4k watch hours
When I hid all my good content behind the paywall, I had no results for an entire year!
Imagine that!
BUT, with the long-form strategy, we monetized within 90-days!
Suddenly a huge wave of views & subscribers flooded in!!!

Why, because I learned what YouTube wanted, what they saw as valuable and gave them that.
No need to “hack” or “beat” the algorithm.
Just feed it what it wants, and it will reward you greatly.
Here’s some examples:
Want to monetize your channel?
⚡Align your focus with YouTube’s:
• Satisfaction
• Views & Click-Through Rates
• Watch Time
In return YouTube will send you a flood of constant traffic.
Want to monetize your blog with google search traffic?
⚡Align your focus with Google’s:
• the best posts on a given topic
• high authority sites to linking to your blog
• organized and well structured blog posts
• Blog posts that ends user’s search journey (meaning your blog post solved their problem)
In return Google will reward you with a constant flood of traffic.
Want to blow up on TikTok, Facebook or Instagram?
⚡Align your focus with the platforms’:
• Use proper hashtags
• Post relevant content (often)
• Create engagement (likes, comments & shares)
In return, these platforms will spread your content to their millions (oops billions) of users.
The key to both shifts is GIVE.
As an entrepreneur or side-hustler, you have to GIVE — in other words you have to provide something of VALUE — and you have to provide it FIRST (for free) before you can expect sells.
This is how businesses thrive in modern times.
Long gone are the times where you could just give the name and an image of the product along with a few buzz words and people buy it like crazy.
Those days are over.
Buyers have wayyyyy more options now, so they’re wayyyyyy more choosey.
By giving first and the market rewards businesses in ways you couldn’t imagine.
So what are you waiting for?
Get to giving!
Peace and Love,
Jesse “The Biggest Giver” Young El
💡This swipe is inspired by a Sunday Swipe I previously wrote.
The article goes deep into the details of how to partner with YouTube and monetize your channel.
⚡Here’s the link in case you missed it:
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