Smartphone Filmmaking is the future (here’s the proof)

Cinematic filmmaking is no longer reserved for the few with big expensive camera gear and decades of experience.
I should know — I used to be one of those guys with expensive gear and experience…
Don’t say I didn’t warn you…
Let’s cut straight to the chase with an unconventional big idea:
Think about that for a second.
Once I came to grips with this reality, an entirely new world of opportunities opened up to me — again.
(I’ll give more context to the “again” part in a minute)
For those stuck in the 2010’s and earlier who haven’t fully realized that this is 2023 and this is a new era of time now, with Web 3 technology, artificial intelligence, automation and yes, smartphone filmmaking — my above statement is bad news (and possibly even silly news).
That’s cool👍🏾
Because for the rest of us who clearly see benefits, more opportunities and what’s coming next over the horizon — to us, smartphone filmmaking proves to be the cutting edge of video content.
Sure it’s not billion-dollar Avatar: The Way of Water cutting edge, but it IS industry shifting and at the earliest stages of innovation.

Luckily for me (and you) I’ve already experienced a nearly identical shift in filmmaking — so now we all can see it a mile away!
This affords a huge advantage for those who jump on this upcoming wave.
Whether you produce video content yourself or you hire others to create the video content for your brand don’t sleep on this swipe (it’s a pivotal one — we’ll get into it shortly)
But to truly appreciate the swipe, we need to do a short history exploration on the “not-so-professional” camera gear:
🎥2006: Professional Film Cameras VS “Not-So-Professional” Digital Cameras
In 2006 — Comes the negative connotations from “the professionals” that digital cameras are for amateurs and hobbyists which cost much less than film once you factor in film, negative processing, prints, etc .

Let’s forget about the professionals’ short sighted vision — and focus on the facts that in 2006, digital cameras:
1. Costs less than its predecessor.
2. Renders results faster.
3. Offered shorter learning curves for new-comers.
2 years later…
…digital cameras are suddenly crowned as “professional”:

💡Remember the RED Camera👆🏾 — it’s going to soon come back to haunt us.
Now that digital cameras have been deemed “professional”, let’s fast forward to:
📷2010(-ish): Professional Digital Cameras vs “Not-So-Professional” DSLRs
Enters the Canon 5D Mark ii — a still photography camera that happens to capture AMAZING quality video footage:

As soon as new-comers like myself got our hands on the 5D’s, the “professionals” with their expensive camera gear began catching on to us.
And soon to follow was even more short sighted-ness and negative talk.
The “professionals” would cite the 5Ds “shortcomings”:
- no auto-focus or way to focus
- short recording times
- “jello” rolling shutter
- and not all the glaring advantages.
The Canon 5D Mark ii was my way into filmmaking (and many others I know). I jumped on the wave early and road it for over a decade.
The Canon 5D was the tool I used to springboard my career in production, visual effects and motion graphics.
Since then I’ve been able to create for dream brands like Microsoft, Exxon-Mobil, CBS, Essence Magazine and more.
Here’s our same “professional” who dogged out digital cameras 4 years prior 👇🏾:

Back to our “professional’s” comments…
Notice how digital cameras (like the RED Camera from 2006) are magically professional enough and DSLR’s aren’t…
Starting to see a pattern?
There’s a technical term for people who tend to always fall at the back of the innovation curve:

Despite all the booing from the “professional laggards”, the Canon 5D sparked an entirely new evolution of using DSLR cameras for Professional Filmmaking — mainly because DSLRs:
1. Costs less than its predecessor.
2. Render results faster.
3. Offered shorter learning curves for new-comers.
Moving on to the present:
📱2023: Professional DSLRs vs “Not-So-Professional” Smartphone Cameras
The smartphones of today hold INCREDIBLE power.
I would even dare to say millions of people are walking around with entire video production studios in their pockets — and they don’t even know it.
Unfortunately, if you google any “smartphone vs RED” camera comparison and you’ll see comments from the “professional laggards”:

SMH 🤦🏾♂️ The cycle continues. Short-sightedness lives on.
Once again, a new generation of camera gear is at our reach which:
1. Costs less than its predecessor.
2. Renders results faster.
3. Offered shorter learning curves for new-comers.
And with the swipe I’ve put together for you below — you’ll have a powerful resource in your hands.
From understanding the basics of composition and lighting to learning what’s needed to stabilize your shots, these tips will help you take your (or your team’s) smartphone videography skills to the next level — FAST!⚡
Find the FREE download link at the end of this post.
This is THE BEST time to invest a little time and a little money into learning the ins-and-outs of smartphone filmmaking.
The learning curve is 20x shorter (with the right resources).
The costs are 25x less expensive.
The results are hardly distinguishable between a “professional” camera and a smartphone — if you know the secrets to using it to its fullest potential.
AND there lies the truth.
It doesn’t matter what you shoot with.
Ultimately what matters is the results.
Are you able to hold an audience’s attention with a smartphone?
Are you able to create engaging videos with a smartphone?
And will smartphones one day be the new “professional cameras” on the block?
✅Yep. You better believe it.
Smartphones are the future of filmmaking.
So take advantage of that powerful device in your hand while you’re still ahead of the curve.
Be a trailblazer.
Out with the old. And in with the new. Again.
Peace and Love,
Jesse “Smartphone Are the Future” Young El
I almost forgot the ACTUAL Swipe! So here it is:
If you haven’t already, make sure you grab a free copy of my Smartphone Filmmaker Pocket Guide.

👆🏾In this FREE Pocket Guide, we’re going to uncover 17 secrets to shooting those beautiful, buttery cinematic videos with your smartphone.