The untold truth about “Success”

You have a simple decision to make every day you wake up:
Are you working to climb your own ladder?
Are you working to climb someone else’s?
The second leads to a dead end, literally.
Why? Because:
No matter how high you climb, there’s ALWAYS someone else above you pulling your strings.
There’s always that possibility of:
- layoffs
- not getting a pay increase, or
- just plain being mistreated and undervalued, etc.
There’s always that uncertainty.
If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll agree, this means you’re living on someone else’s terms.
And my guess is…
Deep down inside, you already knew this…
And it’s the core reason why “THEY” are successful (and You’re not)… yet.
(I’ll cover this in a minute 👇🏾)
But then…
There’s your own ladder of success…
The real ladder of success.
It’s a life lived on your terms, the way you need it to be:
There’s no strings attached…
It’s the true possibility for joy, happiness, wealth, and security…
For me (and so many others)…
Digital marketing and content creation is one the fastest and easiest way to that stuff above 👆🏾…
Here’s a quick way to start shifting your mind (and life) so that you’re climbing your own ladder and not someone else’s:

It’s simple — Producers produce. Consumers consume.
The more you consume, the more dependent you become on others (to produce).
The more you produce, the more independence (and freedom) you have.
Author and entrepreneur Nathan Barry said it plain:
“The difference between you and the creators you follow is simply they are creating while you are consuming.”
He also gave some excellent advice:
Set a daily “make something” goal –
- Write “make something today” on a stick note and stick it front and center on your monitor.
- Put it on your task list.
- Schedule it on your calendar.
The more specific, the better, i.e.: “write something today” or “take 10 photos today”, etc.
Don’t let yourself down — hit your goal for the day…
Then set your goal for tomorrow…
And get it done…
Eventually, you’ll grow to 3 Things for your daily “make something” goal.
I know you can do it, because I’m there — 3 things a day…
Just start small and build over time…
💡 Key Takeaway: Turn “producing” into a habit — make it a way of life.
Keep producing until there’s little-to-no room for much consumption. — You’ll thank me later.
Peace and Love,
Jesse “No Strings Attached” Young El