Fan Demand
(This artifact is a work in progress, which I’ll expand over time)

When it comes to Open Worldbuilding, “Fan Demand” asks the question, “how many Artifacts (stories, images, movie tickets, books, posters, toys, games or other stuff) do Fans & Mega-Fans want to buy and can afford?”
Things like the price, how much money fans have, timing and what other are options are available in the market can change how much everyone wants to buy and how much they’re willing to pay.
For worldbuilders, understanding Fan Demand is vital.
Fan Demand helps worldbuilders decide what Artifacts to make, how many Artifacts to make, how many to keep in stock, what price to sell them for (free or paid) and how to promote them.
Fan Demand also plays a key role in the Upgrading of Artifacts — the higher the Fan Demand, the more an Artifact upgrades to the next phase…
Fan Demand even allows worldbuilders to engineer different levels of Fan Mania — something that is every worldbuilders dream.
If worldbuilders understand what fans want, they can make better decisions, create an even better world for their Explorers and earn more money…
What worldbuilder doesn’t desire that?!